Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shoes, Footwear Kicks Etc...

Now that I am all set with my costume, the task at hand is a mission to find the most comfortable shoes to go with it. I am at a disadvantage because I haven't actually seen the costume in person. How will I know what exact shade of green to purchase? I've read a number of articles about wearing boots to Carnival, Doc Martens, Go-Go boots...and I just can't wrap my head around how in the world that would be comfortable!!! I've worn boots before, being a native Canadian, it comes with the territory, but insole or no insole, after a couple hours, boots start fi bun!!!! My original idea was to order shoes from either or and have them personalized to commemorate the weekend and my birthday, but now I'm not so sure.

Here's what I've come up with so far:

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Vibrationzz Update!!!

Vibrationzz has updated their website to include male costumes and the long awaited " Hibiscus" Costume. Only...They've replaced Hibiscus with "Flamingo" a pink costume that to me, looks like a combination of Peacock and Waterfalls. I ALMOST changed my mind, but in the end decided that Peacock is going to look way better with my skin tone and Flamingo isn't going to have a frontline section and I want that option.

Vibrationzz has also lowered the price for the Cockatoo costume to $110. I believe Cockatoo and Peacock will have frontline sections.

Frontline will be available after Labor Day weekend.

You can still register at

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Digging Deeper..

Today I was on a mission to find out what happened at launch and what happened to the list that was promised to be up on Monday. I managed to get a hold of the guy by phone and got the list of band camps for this year. In terms of contact info, the list was pretty scanty in my opinion. But here it is and for any one that is interested in playing this year, good luck!!!

Miami Carnival Mas Camp 2k7 List:

THE PARTY ROOM SQUAD (305)625-0492
"From the Garden of Good & Evil"
DJ Music

ACAPAI PLAYERS (786)337-0552

MusicTNT MISFITS (954)865-3195
DJ Music

"Neptune's Playground"
DJ Music

VIBRATIONZZ (954)655-5597
"Into the Oasis"
VIBRATIONZZ . Feel the MOvement

SCRUPLES & SOCA HUT (305)254-3556
"Wild 'Ting"Scruples Inc. On-Line!

"Blast from d past" - SKANDLUS - 44 - Female - OPA LOCKA, US -
DJ Music

WASSI ONES (786)314-1500
"Unmasked 20/20"The Wassi One

CHINA MAS GROUP (305)969-2981
"It's Carnival"

NATURAL FREAKS (718)781-2129

"Pirates of the Caribbean"

Island Elite Mas wasn't on the list, but I know they are coming hard and fast this year, their costumes are pretty tight from what I've seen

"Into the West"
Tel: 786 - 251 - 4882Tel: 954 - 709 - 7242
Or email

My Crew:

My crew is still very much excited. It is pretty much all my co-worker and I talk about when we should be making our Boss some money. Oh well. My Girlfriend coming down from Toronto is already picking out outfits and deciding what to wear to fetes. I spend a lot of my time on d/ling the latest tunes so I am well and prepared to get on bad on di road!!!

44 days!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Mild day

Nothing really to report today. Miami Carnival Launch went well and there were a lot of interested characters there, so I hear. All I know is that my costume is paid for and I am on the All I have to do is find a way to dress my costume up. Hopefully, I won't have to if I am playing frontline, but If I don't end up doing it, I'll have to find a way to glam up my costume.
I don't understand the controversy between Broward and Miami Carnival. Can't we all just get along? Apparently, both parades are on the same day and that is not fair. I think it would be a better to combine the two. When it was like that way back when, that is when Carnival was LIVE, but I'm still going to Miami's I think it's going to be bigger and better.

Frontline costumes and Male costumes are going to go up by the weekend, but they have been saying that for a minute now. I hope everything turns out ok...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Welcome, the Countdown begins...

I'm going to finally play Mas! I'm a Jamaican, born in Canada and Caribana passed me by every year with not even some body glitter. My Grandmother was a Minister in the church and I was never allowed to go. In fact, to this day, my church plans their annual picnic on that weekend to distract the kiddies from downtown's goings on.

When I moved to Orlando Florida I heard about Miami Carnival, but never even investigated to see what it was about. This year, it's my b-day and I am playing Mas for the first time ever!!!

The plan is to head to Miami Florida with 4 of my close friends, October 5-8th 2007. We are playing with Vibrationzz, and I'm in the peacock section, but I think I'm upgrading to Frontline because the costume is a bit plain.

I don't know anyone that has played Mas in Miami before and its pretty hard to plan something like this when you've never done it before, but good friends and good music is pretty much all you need to start the party off right, so I'm not too worried. I'm a faithful reader of Saucy's blog and have researched everything I can find on on Carnival. It's hard to contain myself I'm so excited!!

Band Launching is today at 4pm in Miami. All of the bands will be there with their costumes. I really wanted to go but I can't make it. I'm just glad I got my costume already. The people at Miami say that there will be a complete list of bands on thier site by the end of the day. I'll post pic as I find them for anyone that is interested.

If anyone else wants to register with Vibrationzz check them out at also, for more info on Miami Carnival click

After I get an update on the rest of the bands I will post them for everyone to see.

46 days
1115 hours
66909 minutes
4014579 seconds
Till Miami Carnival!!!!!