Now that I am all set with my costume, the task at hand is a mission to find the most comfortable shoes to go with it. I am at a disadvantage because I haven't actually seen the costume in person. How will I know what exact shade of green to purchase? I've read a number of articles about wearing boots to Carnival, Doc Martens, Go-Go boots...and I just can't wrap my head around how in the world that would be comfortable!!! I've worn boots before, being a native Canadian, it comes with the territory, but insole or no insole, after a couple hours, boots start fi bun!!!! My original idea was to order shoes from either or and have them personalized to commemorate the weekend and my birthday, but now I'm not so sure.
Here's what I've come up with so far:
Hi..Clivia here.
I posted a larger pic on my blog so you guys can see the detail in the costume.
Im glad you chose Peacock.
See you guys on the road
I seen some green champions at payless for like $29.....u choose footwear yet??
Hey!! I need shoes too! I want to find somethign in green or purple.
OK, now I am officially starting to get excited about Miami!!
I'm going to try again this weekend. I saw some brown slippers at payless for like 29 dollars. The green ones you speak of are not the right shade.
Girl, I BEEN excited! We are going to have such a great time!
LOL. We will!!
I saw some green sneakers and some purple ones online at payless...I think, as usual, that's where my $ will be spent! LOL
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